Market research for trade and industry

We conduct market research and consulting for trade and industry such as import and export procedures of the products as well as market research of import products and consumers monitoring sesearch.


Track Record of Major Marketing Research Contracts(since1997)

As of April 30,2018 Go Ahead Research Corporation

Food and Agricultural Area
Clients Subject/Theme Description of Undertrakings
Foreign research
company in Japan
OEM production of food by
Japanese food companies
Currently many Japanese food producers, retailers, and trading companies import various kinds of agricultural produce and processed food from abroad under OEM production arrangements. GAR surveyed the recent trends of overseas OEM production of food by such Japanese enterprises.
Asparagus U.S.A. Market assessment and
consulting work for export of
fresh asparagus from USA to
Japan imports huge volumes of fresh asparagus from various overseas sources. Among them is Asparagus USA wished to expand its asparagus exports to Japan. GAR conducted a market research and provided a consulting service to this organization through personal interviews with importers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers. GAR made recommendations on how to boost the exports of the fresh asparagus to Japan.
California Cling Peach
advisory Board
Market assessment for export of canned peaches and mixed
fruit from USA to Japan
About 20 years ago, American canned peaches accounted for almost 50 % of the import market for canned peaches in Japan. Now, however, their market share is only about 5 %. Surveying the market through personal interviews with importers, wholesalers, retailers, and consumers, GAR made recommendations on sales policy and strategy for recovering and increasing exports of such canned fruit to Japan.
U.K. research company Research on distribution
channels for fresh vegetables
and fruit in Japan
A British company invented and developed technology and machinery to maintain the freshness of vegetables and fruits. In order to export this technology and know-how, together with machinery to Japan, they wished to know about the distribution channels of fresh vegetables and fruit in Japan. GAR conducted research and suggested possible steps to enter the Japanese market.
Japanese government
Integrated general market
research on canned fruit and
jam in Japan
Every year, the Japanese government (JETRO, Japan External Trade Organization )publishes the journal “Japanese Market Report” carrying very detailed market information on the main agricultural products and processed food. GAR was asked to survey and report on “Jam and Canned fruit”. This report, issued both in Japanese and English, contains information such as market overview, import systems and regulations, distribution, consumption trends among retailers and consumers, and advice on access to the Japanese market.
Japanese and Thailand
Identifying Thai food and
agricultural products as
potential for export to Japan
Due to the depreciation of the Baht, the Thai government (Department of Export Promotion) wished to export their agricultural and fishery products as well as processed food to Japan. The Thai government asked the JETRO to dispatch an expert to Thailand to find out prospective products for export to Japan. At the request of JETRO, Mr. Takahashi visited Thailand to conduct a survey. He met with 20 food companies, where he tasted more than 100 samples of food. Mr. Takahashi gave his comments to each company whether their products were possible to export to Japan or not. He also advised the companies about points of recipe and taste to be modified for export to Japan.
Thailand government Consulting on organic products DEP (Department of Export Promotion) of Thai government wished to export organic agricultural products and processed food to Japan. Mr. Takahashi, president of GAR, visited DEP and carried out consulting service as well as lecture about latest organic trend of Japan and how to access to Japanese organic foods market.
Thailand health foods
Market research of Thailand
health foods in Japan
Thailand health foods manufacturing company wants to export their products to Japan. GAR has conducted market research of their individual products, and advised how to access to Japanese market.。
Thailand government Market research of foods for
elderly people in Japan
In Thailand population of elderly people is increasing. Thai government wished to know what kinds of foods for Japanese elderly people are now in market in Japan
Thailand government Market research of health
foods in Japan
Upon request of Thai government GAR conducted market research for health foods in Japan. Mr. Takahashi visited Bangkok and made lecture about recent trend of health foods in in Japan at health food seminar organized by Thai government.
Thailand government Market research of pet foods
and animal feeds in Japan
Upon request of Thai government GAR conducted market research for pet foods and animal feeds in Japan. Mr. Takahashi visited Bangkok and visited 10 animal feeds companies and pet foods company and advised them how to step into Japanese market.
Thailand government Market research of cut flower
in Japan
Upon request of Thai government GAR conducted market research for cut flowers in Japan. Mr. Takahashi visited Bangkok and visited 15 cut flower companies and advised them how to step into Japanese market.
Thailand government Market research of snack foods
in Japan
Upon request of Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA) GAR made questionnaire research of Thai snack foods to Japanese consumers at Thai Festival 2015. GAR analyzed results of questionnaire research and advised OAA strategies/methodologies to step into Japanese market.
Thailand government Market research of Som-o
in Japan
Upon request of Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA) GAR made questionnaire research of Thai pomelo to Japanese consumers at Thai Festival 2016. GAR analyzed results of questionnaire research and advised OAA strategies/methodologies to step into Japanese market.
Thailand government Market research of Green
mango in Japan
Upon request of Office of Agricultural Affairs (OAA) GAR made questionnaire research of Thai green mango to Japanese consumers at Thai Festival 2017. GAR analyzed results of questionnaire research and advised OAA strategies/methodologies to step into Japanese market.
Philippine Government
Japanese government
Market research on fresh fruits
and vegetables in Japan
GAR was asked by JETRO to make 2 weeks programs for Philippine vegetable delegation to learn Japanese fresh fruits and vegetables market. GAR made complete programs and visited with them importers of agricultural products, wholesalers, retailers, food service companies etc. and advised them methodologies of accessing Japanese fresh vegetables market.
Pakistan Fishery
Enterprises and Japanese
Governmental organization
Market research on fishery
products in Japan
Japanese governmental organization (JETRO, Japan External Trade Organization ) invited 4 Pakistan fishery products companies to Japan as import promotion programs for under-development countries. GAR was asked by JETRO to make 10 days programs for this delegation to learn Japanese fishery market. GAR made complete programs and visited with them importers of fishery products, wholesalers, retailers, related organization such as Japan Fish Traders Association, National Federation of Fishery Processor’s Co-Operative Associations etc. Finally GAR advised them methodologies of accessing Japanese fishery market.
the Western United
States Agricultural
Trade Association
Western U.S. Hothouse
Tomatoes Market Research
in Japan
Now in Japan, import of fresh tomatoes (greenhouse tomatoes) from USA is only from California and Florida. The Western United States Agricultural Trade Association wanted to conduct market research concerning feasibility of exporting Arizona greenhouse tomatoes to Japan. GAR conducted research concerning overall fresh tomatoes market research in Japan.
Vietnam & Japanese
Market research of fisher
products in Japan.
GAR was asked by JETRO to make 2 weeks programs for Vietnam Fish delegation to learn Japanese fishery market. GAR made complete programs and took them importers of fishery products, wholesalers, retailers, related organization such as Japan Fish Traders Association, National Federation of Fishery Processor’s Co-Operative Associations etc. Finally GAR advised them methodologies of accessing Japanese fishery market.
Japanese government
Integrated general market
research on confectionery
GAR was asked by JETRO to survey and report on “Confectionery.” This report contains information such as market overview, import systems and regulations, distribution, consumption trends among retailers and consumers, and advice on access to the Japanese market.
Japanese government
Integrated general market
research on canned fruits
Every year, the Japanese government publishes the journal “Japanese Market Report” carrying very detailed market information on the main agricultural products and processed food. GAR was asked to survey and report on “Canned Fruits”.. This report, issued both in Japanese and English, contains information such as market overview, import systems and regulations, distribution, consumption trends among retailers and consumers, and advice on access to the Japanese market.
Japanese government
Integrated general market
research of Mineral Water
Every year, the Japanese government publishes the journal “Japanese Market Report” carrying very detailed market information on the main agricultural products and processed food. GAR was asked to survey and report on “Mineral Water”.. This report contains information such as market overview, import systems and regulations, distribution, consumption trends among retailers and consumers, and advice on access to the Japanese market.
Japanese government
Guide to the JAS system for
agricultural and forest
GAR prepared this handbook for JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) detailing Japanese Agricultural Standards. This handbook is able to see at following JETRO web-site.

Other Areas
Clients Subject/Theme Description of Undertakings
Japanese governmental
Handbook for consumer
products import regulations
Japan imports a large quantity of consumer products from abroad. This handbook describes import regulations, market trend of each of consumer products such as fur products, jewelry, sporting equipment, and furniture. GAR prepared this handbook for JETRO. This handbook is able to see at following JETRO web-site.
Foreign machine
Market research on building
construction machines in Japan
Market research of building construction machines such as tractors, cranes. The report includes the market share of Japanese products and foreign ones and competition of Japanese machines and foreign ones.
Credit card company Popularity and usability of
major foreign credit cards
in Japan
Research on popularity and usability of four major foreign credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Diners and American Express) in hotels, restaurants, rent-a-car agents, travel agents, gas stations. Research was conducted on three categorized groups such as premium group/medium group/economy group.
Indian computer soft
Computer soft market survey
in Japan
Indian computer soft companies wished to expand computer soft business in Japan. GAR surveyed on the computer soft market in Japan.
Foreign pharmaceutical
Market research on animal
drug market in Japan
In order to enter the Japanese animal drug market, especially for cows and pigs, the client wished to get information concerning main producers of animal drugs in Japan. Research on possibility for success in Japan.
American Antimicrobial
chemical manufacturer
Market research of
antimicrobial chemicals
and products
American antimicrobial chemical manufacturer wants to know antimicrobial chemical market in Japan. GAR has conducted overall market research of antimicrobial in Japan such as names of Japanese manufacturers, type of antimicrobial chemical that they produce, main applications of antimicrobial etc.
Polish government and
Polish furniture producers association
Market research on furniture in Japan Polish furniture producers wished to export furniture to Japan. In order to access the Japanese market, the Polish government and Polish furniture producers association wished to know about the furniture market in Japan. GAR carried out detail market survey on Japanese furniture.
Japanese government
Integrated general market
research of seeds and
GAR was asked to survey and report on “Seeds and Seedlings”.by JETRO. This report contains information such as market overview, import systems and regulations, distribution, consumption trends among retailers and consumers, and advice on access to the Japanese market.
Tooth paste company
in USA
Research on gum tooth paste
in Japan
An American tooth paste company wished to know about popular tooth paste for gum. GAR staff visited drug stores, super markets and made research on brand names of hot-selling tooth paste for gum and on their market share.
Japanese governmental
Handbook for industrial
products import regulations
Japan imports a large quantity of consumer products from abroad. This handbook describes import regulations, market trend of each of consumer products such as fur products, jewelry, sporting equipment, and furniture. GAR prepared this handbook for JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) This handbook is able to see at following JETRO web-site.
